Dr Rémi Géraud (firstname.familyname@ens.fr)
Cryptologist, security researcher (Ingenico Labs Advanced Research), member of the ENS Information security group.
Research interests include the mathematics of public-key cryptographic protocols, information security, physical and network intrusion, defensive design, and on a broader scale the economics and geopolitics of information.
Teaching activities.
- 2017-2018 Advanced Algebra and Cryptology (CentraleSupélec, 2nd year)
- 2017-2018 Information Security (CentraleSupélec, 3rd year)
- 2017-2018 Cybsersecurity (CentraleSupélec EXED)
- 2016-2017 Information Security (CentraleSupélec, 3rd year)
- 2016-2017 Cybersecurity (CentraleSupélec EXED)
- 2016-2017 (T.A.) Scientific Computing (ENS, 1st year). Head of course: David Naccache.
- 2016-2017 (T.A.) Cryptography (MPRI, 2nd year). Heads of course: David Pointcheval and Jacques Stern.
- 2016-2017 (T.A.) Algebra (CentraleSupélec, 2nd year). Head of course: Damien Vergnaud.
- 2015-2016 Information Security (Ecole Centrale de Paris, 3rd year)
- 2015-2016 Modern C++ and Scientific Computation (University Paris 1, M1 MEEF, M1 MAEF, and M1 QEM)
- 2015-2016 (T.A.) Scientific Computing (ENS, 1st year). Head of course: David Naccache.
- 2014-2015 Information Security (Ecole Centrale de Paris, 3rd year)
- 2013-2014 Statistics (Université de Nancy 2, ISAM-IAE)
Administrative responsabilities.
- Since 2014, responsible for the Information Security curriculum at Ecole Centrale de Paris / CentraleSupélec.
- Since 2018, responsible for the Algebra curriculum at CentraleSupélec.
- Since 2018, responsible for the Executive Certificate "Cybersecurity" at CentraleSupélec EXED.
Reviewer activity.
- Journal of Cryptographic Engineering
- AsiaCrypt 2017
- 2016 Microsoft Security Researcher Award.
- Very nice words from former students, interns, supervisers, and collaborators.